The word "aerogel" has been increasing in frequency in recent years, and people's understanding of aerogels is also deepening. From knowing nothing about it to gradually realizing its superiority, especially after emphasizing the role of new materials strategy in the 13th Five-Year Plan, aerogel has become the focus of attention in advanced new materials.At present, China's resea···
Ceramic fiberboard is suitable for high-temperature fields that require steel strength, but sometimes there will be some yellowing phenomenon. This actually has a certain impact on our use, not only affects the aesthetics, but also uses it. The effect will be somewhat affected, so what are the reasons for its yellowing? The main reasons for everyone are as follows.1. The yellowing of ceramic fiber···
1. After the aluminum silicate masonry is finished, stop the surface finishing once. The uneven parts must be smoothed with a pressing plate. The ceramic fiber board tiles must be cut and trimmed at the large gaps to make the surface smooth and tight.2. The thickness of ceramic fiber board brick lining must meet the request.3. After measuring the length and width of the thickness, mark the nine me···
Today, the editor briefly talked to you about the "Enpu" ceramic fiber board, a very widely used type of equipment-kiln.Classification of kilnsAccording to the variety of calcined materials, it can be divided into ceramic kiln, cement kiln, glass kiln, enamel kiln, etc.Can be divided into flame kiln and electric kiln according to pyrogen.According to the condition of the heat source faci···
Last week, the current prices of steel products all rose sharply. The State Council launched an investigation into the headwind violations and violations of individual enterprises in the steel industry's capacity reduction work, and the domestic property market ushered in a new round of regulation and control.The latest research report issued by Nishimoto Shinkansen pointed out that the recent···