Company News
2022-10 18
Views: 1011
"Enpur" ceramic fiber board application equipment-kiln detailed explanation

Today, the editor briefly talked to you about the "Enpu" ceramic fiber board, a very widely used type of equipment-kiln.

Classification of kilns

According to the variety of calcined materials, it can be divided into ceramic kiln, cement kiln, glass kiln, enamel kiln, etc.

Can be divided into flame kiln and electric kiln according to pyrogen.

According to the condition of the heat source facing the blank, it can be divided into open flame kiln, muffle kiln and semi-muffle kiln.

According to the green body delivery vehicles, it can be divided into kiln car kiln, push plate kiln, roller bottom kiln (roller kiln), conveyor belt kiln, walking beam kiln and air cushion kiln.

Can be divided into single-channel kiln, double-channel kiln and multi-channel kiln according to the number of channels.

The following are the most common types of kilns:



The inside of the furnace roughly includes the following and parts:

Ceramic fiberboard insulation layer, refractory brick layer, kiln frame and metal shell.



Whether the kiln structure is reasonable and the material is reliable is directly related to the quality of the product, the output and the level of energy consumption. For a long time, "Enpu" ceramic fiber board has been widely used in various kilns and has established a good Word of mouth.